Monday, May 19, 2008

Fun In the Sun

On Saturday we had a birthday party for Peyton and Nolan Perry (I forgot my camera, but check out Kelly's blog for then we had friends over for dinner. The Sims' (Jessica, Tommy, Claire, and Lila) and The Rice's (Coni, Tim, Zoe, Clare, Lucy, and Henry). The kids had a great time playing outside and the adults were actually able to catch up.

Henry, born April 4th, is the newest addition to the Rice family and behaved perfectly

Lila turned 1 in April and is too cute for words.

"The Three Two's" (L to R) Ethan, Lucy, and Claire

(L to R) Lucy, Zoe, Clare, Ethan, Claire, and Henry as the center of attention

After dinner tonight, Brian decided to water the yard. Of course, Ethan had to help too.

Checking out the water while Daddy found the right setting.

The water kept getting bigger and bigger until it covered the entire yard and Ethan loved every minute of it.

This is what he looked like when it was all over! Yes, he shed his clothes and shoes.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Brian had Monday off from work and spent part of his day driving to a consignment store in Irmo, loading a train table, coming home, and setting it up for Ethan's arrival from school. Ethan was ecstatic to say the least. He played trains until dinner, screamed when it was time to eat, ate very little quickly, asked to get down, and ran back up stairs to play trains until bath and then after bath until bed. Also, the trains had to go to bed with him.

We made the move to a big boy bed about a month ago. Ethan has been doing great. Since I was taking pictures of the train table in his room, thought I would share this too.


On Saturday we went to FamJam at our church. It is a time for families to worship together with music, skits, etc. This was the last one before summer break and we join forces with 2 other local churches for a huge outside extravaganza.

Ethan was very excited to have his first ever snow cone.

Andrew, Ethan, and Davis eating their snow cones. Andrew and Davis are friends from our small group at church.

Alicia, Andrew, Davis, and Ethan

Ethan watching the Tae Kwon Do demonstration.

You notice the trains in his hands. He rarely let go of them the entire afternoon. I guess they needed to see the drum and ballet demonstrations too.

Ethan's favorite part of FamJam is the music. Check out these dance moves.

Ethan and Daddy "resting"

Friday, May 2, 2008

The last 7 days

Below our random snippets of our crazy lives this past week.

Leigh, Lauren, Carly, Megan, and me at Carly's baby shower last Saturday.

Ethan and I had been home for 20 minutes and this is what the den looked like.

This is the kind of picture you always want and can never get....mid-stride, smiling, run full speed...I got lucky!

My sofa table is now a place for cars to be driven and animals to play.

I asked him to say cheese and he informed me he was looking at the grass.

This is what the sofa table normally has on it, that is before Ethan wakes up and after he goes to bed.

Ethan's contribution to making brownies.